Category Archives: Political Thoughts

Out with the Old: Time for a Political Cure for Liars

Why does everything have to be a lie and then to backpedal and then I know we said this, for a while we meant that, well we thought it was going to…..abuh abuh abuh. Millennial and Latino votes declined from 2008 to 2012 while those 70+ increased. Why are the young so vastly under represented in a political arena clearly designed for the young to wrangle in. Its been said that young people will not take care of the elderly. Wont they one day be Elders themselves? Its been said that being young is being naive. Isn’t this the most educated population in history? Are we educating liberals in universities and conservatives on the farm?  If America is behind other industrialized nations in education then why are we not voting on Obamacation instead of healthcare? Why are not fighting for the education of poor rural and inner city children? It seams to make sense that a person who has received a higher education is healthier than someone who did not.

A educated population is far more likely to create a healthier population then one that has a system of social safety nets to catch those that fall and for some reason seams it serves a dual purpose in some cases by keeping them down. So its no wonder that conspirators on the left and right fill our news channels and airwaves with the kind of crap that outside observers should be saying why the hell would we want to go there?  This isn’t the case though because immigration, illegal and legal, is still occurring. Do the young mind? Probably not as much as seniors since we are not as constricted in our views as our older counterparts. We spend the first 18 years of our lives trying to get out from under the thumb of our parental oppressors only to move under a bigger thumb controlled by the same types of oppressors. Oppression in this sense is meant to be metaphorical not literal.

It is time to group up. It is time be heard. Its time to show mom and dad what we learned and how its better to play together then to divide the groups into those that agree and those that do not. The funniest thing I think i learned in economics classes was that both side are right. Their ideas will work. We have to decide as a nation if we want higher taxes and more social programs or higher education and more global philanthropy. It is no longer conducive to our survival to lean one way or the other. Barack Obama does not want to put microchips in you to track you and if he did they would tie it to Facebook so you could share it with your friends. Republicans do not want to dump toxins in our rivers and release gazillions of tons of pollutants into the air and ground. Where are they going to go to get away from it? They cant stay in Washington forever. The current parties all need to be removed.  Its time for a political enema where if Joe the plumber thinks he can represent then let him speak and if we all agree then vote him in office. Locally, statewide and nationally. “Oh ya your plan is brilliant what about foreign policy and domestic issues of poverty and income inequality” they will say. There are a multitude of people out there who have degrees in international affairs and would serve proudly to help revitalize this nation to its proper status.

Maybe its you? Maybe its your older brother/sister or even the younger one? Maybe its your best friend,worst enemy, gas station clerk, checkout person, random person on the street? It is my belief that I should have an opportunity to help run my country and that everyone else should be afforded that same opportunity. It isn’t a free ride for fun and travel. It would be the hardest job you would ever experience but there is a vast amount of wisdom out there to call upon and vast amount of people who feel the same things but are socially restricted.The restrictions are only imaginary. Self created in our own minds. The ability for all to be heard is no longer imaginary. No segment should be left out.


This is a opinion piece with broad implications but in order hold interest it has been self restricted to hope not to loose the messages intent. This is our land to and the future is ours to maintain and pass along.

References provided for numbers matching only. My advice is do your own homework and never take anyone’s word for it.






Filed under Opinion, Political Thoughts

Why are democrats so angry?

Why are liberals so angry all the time? Is it because they’re tired of paying taxes for people who are overweight, because they eat too much fast food, or people who smoke and get lung cancer, or people who drink and get liver disease? The rich don’t pay enough taxes? The top 25% pay almost 87 percent of all income tax collected. The top 5 percent pay nearly 58 percent of all income tax collected. 50 percent of Americans pay two to three percent in federal taxes the other 50 percent pay the remaining 97 to 98 percent of taxes. Yes liberals are mad because they pay to many taxes but think that we need to RAISE the taxes. Trickle down economics does work. It creates more opportunities for people to lift themselves out of poverty than any other government program ever devised. The role of government is to adjust the rates of lending to curb inflation/deflation and in times of recession (which is a natural occurring event due to lack of regular innovation) pump money into the economy to help spur innovation and prevent total economic collapse. You can not just give money to a select few and think it will work itself out. GM and Chrysler vacated to Mexico and Canada and union leaders made out like bandits. The industrial age is going out and the information age is coming in. In the future you will either work in the medical industry, technology, service industry or for the government or you will be unemployed. Unions are in their death throws and they can smell it coming like a freight train of dead skunks rolling past your doorstep. Generation X is coming of age and the world is going to be a better place because of it. I believe we were the last generation to carry the burdens of our parents and grandparents and the world has been handed to those after us and they don’t like the idea of having to put in work in order to have a better place. We can no longer afford to pass along the troubles of our elders to our children in hopes that they will be able to do better than us.

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Filed under Political Thoughts